It's 7 weeks since I blogged, on holiday, about my aims for the last quarter of the year, which we're now about 2/3 through. I missed November's fresh sewing day completely.
I had a wonderful holiday and then suddenly everything went a bit all over the place, new bathroom took 3 weeks, we've both been doing a lot of volunteering, not home very often, tired, house is a mess etc etc.
Looking back through my phone I have done some sewing and crochet over the last two months. On holiday I fixed my hexagon blanket (I'd missed round 4 out on about 15 hexies so they no longer looked right) and quilted and bound two of my WIP quilts, must do reveals for these.
Since being home I've dabbled in a bit more crochet, a couple of epp projects and started an Aragon bag. Got frustrated with it, pieces now all over living and dining room.
Yesterday I started cutting and piecing a new quilt, obviously with so many WIPs I needed to start another but it's for a special birthday present for later this month. Over 75 fabrics, 360 3 1/2 in ch squares in many different colours and 288 in Sketch mist later I was ready to start piecing. It's the Sparkle Punch Quilt by Elizabeth Hartman. Planning on doing a few rows a night this week - lets see if I can have a finished top by Saturday.
Not got any Christmas gift sewing planned this year, need to be realistic, my Sparkle Punch quilt and then WIPs are my priorities.
I'm linking up with Lynne, both for fresh sewing day and small blog link up as my fledgeling blog is tiny at the moment. Have a great December everyone.