Sunday, 12 October 2014

Finish Along 2014 quarter 4

After my less than successful quarter 3 I'm back with a new optimism for quarter 4. Unsurprisingly 8 projects are carry forwards, the 3 I made progress on in quarter 3 and the 5 I didn't touch.

Then there's a quilt top that I started last quarter but didn't finish and also a Noodlehead divided baskets that I cut out in May, put to one side then rediscovered last week to take the total to 10.

5 quilt tops to baste, quilt and bind:

3 sets of blocks to make into tops, then baste, quilt and bind:

A cushion to quilt, make up and bind:

And finally the new addition of a divided basket:

I'm linking up with Katy for 

I'm currently trying to do this on a nexus 7 with slightly dodgy internet so the formatting isn't great for now - I'm going to sort it out when I can but that'll be after deadline which I don't want to miss.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Finish Along Quarter 3 Round Up

OK so it turns out I was a bit ambitious last time with my finish along aims for my first attempt - quarter 3.

I had so much hope but the extra time over the summer didn't happen and I only have 2 finishes from the 10.

I did make progress with three others though too:

Finished the rest of these blocks

Made a pile of strips into this quilt top

And added the border to this.

I also started and finished this quilt top:

And pattern tested this bag:

I've done a lot of crochet too which I didn't do last summer - I think a fair amount of travelling combined with a busy time work has meant crochet has been easier than machine sewing this summer.

I'm currently writing this on my Nexus 7 with a slightly dodgy internet connection so I'll leave this like this now and format better when I'm on a proper computer.

Needed to post this before I do my finish along aims for quarter 4 tomorrow.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Finish along finish Number 2 - Date Night Purse

Just in the nick of time - I finished a second item on my Finishalong list my date night purse by Dog Under my Desk.

I'll blog in more detail about it and other bags I've made in the future. 

This was project number 10 on my Finish along list:

Linking up with Katie for

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Fresh Sewing Day - that was September or third time lucky

Don't have a lot to show for September looking back through my photos which is sad. 

Sewing wise things started well, I had a great day at Leeds Modern Quilt Guild and got something on my finish along list finished, albeit the easiest one. Then my in laws came to stay, for a total of 26 hours, but it meant all my sewing bits that were in the dining room were shoved unceremoniously into my sewing room and the door shut (just about) and 3 and 1/2 weeks later I've not touched my machine since. 

It's been another hard month at work and I haven't found Guiding easy to get back into after the summer break either. On the positive side I've done a fair bit of gardening during the daylight hours I have been home so that's been nice and productive even if not in the sewing sense. We also have our shed at last (funded by my fabric destash at the start of the year) so we have filled that with gardening things from the garage which in turn should allow some things currently in the house to go into the garage and make some more space inside too. 

I've found myself crocheting a lot this month. I finished my vstitch blanket and also made a whole little one for my friend's impending arrival. I also made my very first baby hat for him/her too and finally a random crochet block too from a crochet a long (which I intend to add to in time, I'm hoping it'll improve my skills). 

So this is the sum total of my makes for September:

But I'm going to get some of the ironing mountain finished tonight and then I intend to get my machine out and sew something, anything, just sew! 

Hope you all had more fruitful Septembers sewing wise than I did and that you have brilliant Octobers. I have another holiday to look forward to and after my productivity whilst away in June the sewing machine is definitely being packed this time too. 

I'm linking up with Lynne, both for fresh sewing day and small blog link up as my fledgeling blog is tiny at the moment. Have a great October everyone.