2015 is going to be the year I get through my WIPs, there's so much I want to make and I have plenty of fabric to keep me going but I just can't start new things at the moment without finishing some of these.
I got a new machine at the weekend, a Janome Horizon Memory Craft 8200 QC. I love my Janome DXL603, bought 3 years ago when I wanted to do more sewing. It's made bags, cushions, a few items of clothing, taken up curtains, quilts, travelled all over the country with me and been a brilliant machine but quilting is hard work on it and it's also struggling. So I went into the sewing machine shop in Harrogate to ask about a service for it and came out with my new machine. I had been looking at buying one before Christmas so it wasn't completely spontaneous, they just happened to have one in the shop so I could take it away that day. I'm keeping my trusty DXL603 too, once it's had a service I'm sure it'll be just fine.
So I'm hoping I can get through all my quilts that need quilting fairly quickly now - also the living room floor is pretty clear at the moment so I can get things basted - that's half my battle normally.
My 2015 Finish-Along Quarter 1 list is as follows, obviously including the 7 carry overs from 2014 first:
1. Summer Slice
This quilt, pattern by Cluck Cluck Sew, was started last July for my sister in law's 30th. By the time I'd gathered fabric in the right colour ways I was cutting it fine for her birthday, got the top sewn together in the middle of August and then nothing. No space to baste, took it on holiday but did the smaller two quilts first and ran out of time. I did baste it on the 22nd December in some foolish hope I could quilt it before my sister in law arrived on Boxing Day, but didn't.
So this is number one quilt to quilt on my new machine. I'm going to London in a couple of weeks and hoping I can arrange to meet up with my brother who works in the City and drop it off with him - 6 months late...
2. Splitting Squares Quilt
A straight carry over from the last two lists. Anna at Quilting Along the Grain's Splitting squares quilt, I won the pattern in a giveaway last summer (2013) and made the top last August (2013), got no further. The sashing is navy, rather than black I promise!
This just needs basting, quilting, binding and then a home.
Started in June 2014, borders added in July 2014, has been sat around since then. Another one that just needs basting, quilting, binding. I have a home for this one though.
4. Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt
Disappearing 9 patch, did these in 2013, never got any further - really should make them into a quilt, I was planning it for Siblings Together so that'll be my motivation to get it done for this summer for that.
5. Simply Solids Wonky Stars Quilt
In 2013 to compliment their new monthly solid stash club Laura produced a wonky star quilt pattern for Simply Solids one of my favourite fabric shops. I did pretty well keeping up with making the stars until the autumn, then it all went a bit wrong. I finished the rest of the stars in September (I think) 2014 and now I need to make it into a quilt top, baste, quilt, bind etc. I have a recipient for this and it really needs doing in the next few weeks.
Finished one of these for my Brother & his wife for Christmas 2013, didn't realise I hadn't done second. It was my first play with my Sizzix machine in summer 2013. I hoped to get it done and be able to give it to them at Christmas this year but didn't get that far.
7. Noodlehead divided baskets
I bought the Noodlehead Divided Basket pattern in May 2014. Did the fabric pull, cut most of it out, sewed a tiny bit, then it got forgotten. I didn't sewing in my sewing room again until after Christmas. I got this out once I'd finished the quilt I was working on then, ironed it all, read the instructions again and was obviously a bit optimistic that I'd get up there and be able to do some whilst my in laws were here. Less of a priority this one, it's for me, but it would be nice to finish it and see if it's something I can make for others.
8. Aragon Bag
My first new addition to the list. I wanted to make a bag for taking bits to Leeds MQG meetings, and for taking sewing supplies on holidays. A decent sized bag with a zip was the requirement and I looked around and found the Aragon Bag by Sew Sweetness - I bought, fabric pulled, and cut out in October and then made some progress at the November Leeds MQG meeting with it. I managed a bit more after that and was then busy every evening for weeks so this got put to one side. The pattern isn't as thorough as Erin @DogUnderMyDesk ones which I'm more used to and I struggled a bit with it. It's further on than in this photo though.
It's all carefully boxed up having spent weeks in the corner of my sewing room. The plan is to make some drawstring bags and other little sewing bits and pieces in the left over fabric (it's made with fabrics from Riley Blake Designs "Sidewalks" by October Afternoon which I had half yards of from Pink Castle Fabrics stashed away).
9. Sew Together Bag
When I got back from my holiday in October I decided to make a Sew Together Bag, but decided I wanted it patchwork, because I never take the easy option... So I bought the pattern and got this far. Need to package this up to take with me when I'm out and about and get the hexies finished, then when I've worked through some of my other WIPs I can look at making the actual bag.
10. Star EPP cushion
I started doing this in May 2014, it then got a bit screwed up so I've started again. Most of this was done whilst sitting with family over Christmas and New Year. I'm hoping to get this finished and made into a cushion for a friend's birthday.
So the plan for January is:
- Take the HST cushion and the Simply Solids wonky stars to Leeds MQG on Saturday
- Work on the Aragon bag and the Star EPP cushion at home/out and about
- Quilt the Summer Slice quilt once I'm happy with my new machine and then hopefully the wonky starts too
- Forget about the other 5 projects for now!
I'm linking up with Adrianne at On the Windy Side who is kindly hosting the 2015 Finish-Along: