Once home I raided my stash and found a charm pack and a mini charm pack in Aneela Hoey's Posy range which was just perfect for this quilt - it's such a gorgeous, gentle, girly range - perfect for a baby quilt. I combined it with some Kona Snow (all fabrics from Simply Solids) and set about working out the quilt design and what pieces I needed to cut from the Kona:
Then I started sewing, firstly at Leeds MQG after we'd done our Siblings Together blocks last June:
Then at my temporary home, my dressing table in our dining room, in the middle of our bedroom redecoration:
By the time I did my first Finish-Along list on 14th July the middle bit of the quilt and the first borders were on, and by the following week I had a finished quilt top, about 48 inches square:
I selected Ikea Rosalie in pink with red dots from the backing and tracked down some Posy yardage for the binding, did I finish it? no of course I didn't.... It sat around, took a trip to Southwold and back in October but never left the bag (I did finish 2 other quilts that week though) and sat at home waiting to be quilted, I thought I can't gift this now, it's far too late.
Then in January we were invited to the baby's christening, which was yesterday, so I decided to finish it for that. Only being me I only pulled it out on Wednesday evening. Nick wasn't in the mood to help but I got it basted eventually and quilted very quickly on my new machine:
All quilted in Aurifil 2423, a lovely baby pink that melted into both the front and back of the quilt.
After Guides on Thursday I made the binding but I was way too tired to try attaching it, so left that for my flexi day on Friday. I got it done, after several attempts, on my machine, and I'm pretty pleased with the result, but too late to wash.
After double checking with the lovely people of instagram, when I got my parents house on Saturday afternoon (they live about 35 minutes away from Nick's cousin and the christening location so we stayed with them) I washed and tumble dried the quilt, the tumble drying bit flooded the kitchen floor but my parents were brilliant, didn't complain, get stressed, or let us mop it up ourselves.
So here it is - one finished quilt: Nick was rushing to get ready so no great photos, my mum didn't seem to get the 'hold it over your face' bit but never mind.
Here are some close ups, I forgot to photograph the back so had to do a quick opening up of the wrapping to get a snap before gifting!
Gifts weren't opened at the christening so I don't know how the quilt was received, but I'm glad I made it, she's a lovely little girl (yesterday was the first time I met her) and I hope she enjoys this quilt for years to come. Now onto the next WIP...
So two down eight to go. My list can be found here: 2015 Finish-Along Quarter 1
Linking up with Adrianne for: