About five years ago I discovered Lucy's wonderful Attic 24 blog, I think it was one of the times I thought about learning to crochet, and although that didn't happen for a few more years I became an avid blog reader. Then three years ago I started using Twitter and through that came across a huge array of blogs. I've never been much of a magazine or newspaper reader but scrolling through the pages of Google Reader, or Feedly these days, reading about, and looking at, what people have been busy creating and about their lives and experiences is something I love.
I wanted to join this bandwagon, as my crafting was reignited I wanted to share what I made and also share my experiences as a volunteer, but I was hesitant to 'delve in'. Last November I turned 30 and registered this blog but it never quite felt right and it's now 7 weeks until my 31st Birthday. However I've decided this is it, I'm not sure where this will take me but I know people enjoy using their blog to document aspects of their lives, and I hope someone somewhere will enjoy reading what I share.
As for the title of this blog, well I didn't want something craft specific as I want to share other things too and document my life realising what my priorities are and how I can focus on doing things that make me happy. I'm a musical theatre fan and for my 30th Birthday went to see Matilda the Musical, which I loved, and one set of lyrics stuck with me:
"Just because you find that life's not fair, it
Doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it!
If you always take it on the chin and wear it
You might as well be saying
You think that it's ok
And that's not right!
And if it's not right!
You have to put it right!
But nobody else it gonna put it right for me!
Nobody but me is going to change my story"
Thank you for reading, I look forward to sharing my journey as I 'change my story'.
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